Some questions about ProCamera and File extensions

My app still crashes.

Show your relevant blocks.

Don't get confused "cameraHolder" is Vertical Arrangement.

This is not what we told you. To cut a long story short, post the AIA. I will make the appropriate corrections.

a slash is missing there

Also what's that?
It is exactly the same...


Simple_Camera (1).aia (96.5 KB)

It's still crashing.

Try this, working OK for me with companion 2.71u on Android 13

Simple_Camera_1.aia (96.2 KB)

It still crashes

Try this:

It Still it crashes, I download .apk file it crashes still.

Of course, you must request CAMERA permission on all Android versions.
The extension does not ask for it automatically. @Kumaraswamy

Simple_Camera_2.aia (101.1 KB)

HUGE THANKS! You are savor! My app is working perfectly!