Snake and Ladders game

Play Ladder and Snake.
The classic game created entirely with inventor app blocks.
Attractive graphics with smooth gameplay.
Responsive being structured on a grid and not on a canvas.
Three game modes:
Player vs. Player
Player vs. Robot
Music and sound effects

Extension used:

For those who want free aia file, contact me via pm

Regards Marco


hey there i would like the aia file


Good App and well to do graphics.
But the player vs player is not working on my device.

Why doesn't it work for you?
Player starts by rolling the die by clicking on it and after the message (rolls plauer1) starts
player1 rolling the die cilcking on It.

Don't you see this?

Hey can u send me the aia file of snake and ladder game

Hey guys can anyone help me by sending me the app inventor snake and ladder aia file its a pleasure for me to get your help

please do not spam the community with your requests.
if you look in your inbox message you will find the file you want