I wanted to ask - Can I use the same "server" section as you have shown in your example? If not, then how do I get it? (I will be sending through a Gmail Address but the receivers will be different)
Secondly, What exactly do I have to put in the "port" section? Can I use the same as yours in the example?
Thanks @vknow360, its working perfectly, except that I am not being able to send images.
I tried two ways- Click image from camera, display it in an Image component, and then use the Image1.Picture block in the images section. However, it shows an error: "IOException while sending message"
I also tried doing it by using a file from the assets, incase it is just some problem with the Image.Picture block. I added it as a text block saying "NameOfTheImage.jpg", i checked the capitalization and the format too, but it still showed the same error: "IOException while sending message".
However, in my app, I need to use the 1st method, click photo from camera and then send it as an attachment. Please tell me if it is possible like this, or what other method can I use?
As mentioned in another post, this is not working anymore in Android 11 by me (same as other Email extensions).
Below Android 11 everything is fine, but with Android 11 nothing happens, no errorMessage, no successful Message