I set the text colour but nothing. Now i receive the sms but i can not select the link to open...
..... there isn't a link (just text), the text should be parsed, then send the URL to the webviewer, complete with location.
....works well here.
Has the format of the text changed? The App code relies on there being spaces between words.
Temperature: 22.19°C Humidity: 53.10% https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.809433,21.344240
Space at each arrow:
Unfortunately, the format of the text does not changed. I have the spaces as you show.
I try to find the value of the "global Word", and the value that shows up is the "T". That means that text doesn't split at all. I really dont know what is wrong . I send you the code and the result. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Can you try it with my Project, unedited except Texting set to Receiving Enabled Always.
... going to be away from my PC for a couple of hours
... I'm not here but just had a thought. Your phone must have Location switched on and internet access on (WiFi).
Edit: I will make you a new test Project tonight.
I want to cry :P. Can you send me your 'Designer' ? I rlly dont know what's wrong
Import this project. Don't change anything. You must have internet on your phone, it works without location enabled. Click Receive.
GetUrl2.aia (3.6 KB)
It finally works!
Are these blocks the same? Where can I find the first one?
Are there good tutorials for them?
This aia shared by me is identical to the one from Chris.
They are the same. To get this look of this block, right-click on the block and select "Inline Inputs" from the menu.
Right-click on the block and select "Help" from the menu.
Thank you all for your valuable help! Especially Chris!
Thank you so much;
Ah, just made a new test for you
GetUrl_2.aia (4.4 KB)
Tested this with my daughter sending the reply, so we know it works (so long as the words in the received message are seperated with a space).
The solution is from ABG, I just implemented it.
You are the best,really. What ABG means?
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