Sliders and Sound use in app

hello i made an application and ran into two problems:

  1. i uploaded a 1.30 min audio (3.50 KB) but once i download apk on my phone when i start the audio it only continues for about 6 seconds and then stops (i can keep repeating the action by repressing on the button but each time it stops.
  2. i was wondering if it was possible to enlarge the slider or was it shape defined especially in height.
    Screenshot 2023-12-28 183242

Are you using the "Sound" element? Try the "Player" element.

You can increase the width of the slider. Not the height. But try changing the theme (Project Properties - Theming - Theme)

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thanks a lot, with the player everthing works, as for the slider I was hoping for that, but since I can't enlarge the height I'll have to try using more contrasting colors.

You can increase the font size of the switch so that it looks larger.

no this doesn't work, I need the slider to be bigger I will probably add an immage to the backgraound and play with the thumb

you can also try with a canvas or a canvas and a ball

MIT App Inventor Gallery

oh i didn't think of that solution thank you very much. Now I will try to implement it with my data and see if it is feasible.

Did you search the community? We have a lot of questions about sliders.

Yes but since I need to represent data from another device with it I was wondering if there was a silmplier method instead of doing another conversion and use ball and canvas but if that is the only solution I will use it

This might help:

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