Slider for changing the width of line affecting Dot Size

Hi there,
When we use this code, to change the width of the lines we are drawing on our canvas, and then we try to just draw dots, the dots change to donuts instead. We have code for the dots (circle) and for the line width.
line width changing dots output.pdf (28.9 KB)
It seems like similar code but why does it work differently

Show your code/blocks for drawing a dot and a line.

Here it is! It is the same in both programs I put the other code for so I didn't think that part mattered...
line width changing dots output (1).pdf (73.7 KB)

what's the output of your codes? any screenshot?
And I see two global variable: dotsize, Dotsize. Is this correct?

These pdfs are inadequate to describe what is going on.

If you are comparing two Projects, export their .aia files and upload them here.

How do we know if the two sliders have the same ranges or not?

Could you confirm if you are working on ios when this issue occurs, or do you see the issue with both Android and ios devices?

From a few tests, I am unable to replicate your issue from the slider, on Android, in companion app.

I do note, however that circles drawn with fill=true appear to draw OK, and are not affected by lineWidth, whilst circles drawn with fill=false do seem to be affected by lineWidth.

A workaround for this is to place a lineWidth set block in your event to draw a circle, so that the lineWidth is set to the default of 2.0. This should ensure consistency of circles drawn with or without fill.

You can do the same for the drawing lines event, but set this to the slider width.

You do not show whether the dotSize variable is related in any way to the slider line width ?

Oh sorry I thought I wrote that above. Every is using iOS.
Thank you for the response - that seems to work better.

Also some people on here seem like they are yelling :slight_smile: