Slide to confirm button

Hi is there any extensions or any way I can make this "slide to confirm button" (example below) the slider in MIT app inventor. the slider doesnt really go back

Make a great Android UX: How to make a swipe button | by Leandro Borges Ferreira | AndroidPub | Medium

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Try with Canvas...
(Should this happen automatically after clicking or should it be done with a swipe of the finger?)

press and hold and swipe finger until the end as if clicking a button

Here is a sample:


Origin At Center = true


swipe_canvas.aia (3.5 KB)

Sample run

(This needed minor tweaking for alignment - ABG)

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What is wrong with using the Switch component ?

May be he want to built a custom root lock screen?

I see this kind of dialog in the Google Calendar pop up to alert me of an imminent event,
where the app needs to divert my attention from whatever I was doing at the time.

In such a context, I have just dragged my phone out of my pocket in surprise, and need something big and persistent to insure I respond with full attention and intention.

Can a switch be magnified to do that?

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Also in my Alarm of phone wake me at 5:00 AM.
But as Tim suggest for switch it cannot be replaced with that, as they both are used for different UI purposes.

If a person touch the switch by mistake then it will works without and need (just by mistake)

But this mistake can be prevented by Swipe system.

Also phone in a pocket scenario

Hmmm, we probably want to construct a faux notification, or actually create a notification ?

I glossed over the hard part.

It could be "prettier" but shows the basics. I have it resetting the position of the imagesprite to avoid having to refresh the companion. You only need to set the speed to 0.

canvasSwiper.aia (5.0 KB)

Improved, version 2:

canvasSwiperV2.aia (5.6 KB)


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