Hi is there any extensions or any way I can make this "slide to confirm button" (example below) the slider in MIT app inventor. the slider doesnt really go back
Try with Canvas...
(Should this happen automatically after clicking or should it be done with a swipe of the finger?)
press and hold and swipe finger until the end as if clicking a button
Here is a sample:
Origin At Center = true
swipe_canvas.aia (3.5 KB)
(This needed minor tweaking for alignment - ABG)
What is wrong with using the Switch component ?
May be he want to built a custom root lock screen?
I see this kind of dialog in the Google Calendar pop up to alert me of an imminent event,
where the app needs to divert my attention from whatever I was doing at the time.
In such a context, I have just dragged my phone out of my pocket in surprise, and need something big and persistent to insure I respond with full attention and intention.
Can a switch be magnified to do that?
Also in my Alarm of phone wake me at 5:00 AM.
But as Tim suggest for switch it cannot be replaced with that, as they both are used for different UI purposes.
If a person touch the switch by mistake then it will works without and need (just by mistake)
But this mistake can be prevented by Swipe system.
Also phone in a pocket scenario
Hmmm, we probably want to construct a faux notification, or actually create a notification ?
I glossed over the hard part.
It could be "prettier" but shows the basics. I have it resetting the position of the imagesprite to avoid having to refresh the companion. You only need to set the speed to 0.
canvasSwiper.aia (5.0 KB)
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