Six screens in my app

Hello from France, I have 6 screens in my application.
I can view on the computer up to the 4th screen, but when I want to see the 5th or the 6th, I see the blocks of these screens well, but in the left column there is still 4th screen, so it puts in default...

Post a screenshot (to understand what you mean).

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In fact when I ask for screen 6 it stays on screen 4

Perhaps your app is corrupted. Please send your project's .aia so we can analyze it.

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Reload ...


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I reloaded it, it's the same, I attached the .aia
Calculette.aia (909.7 KB)

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Try this

Calculette_2.aia (909.7 KB)


Thank you all, and thanks to "dora_paz"
YES !!! it works, congratulations, and thank you very much!
What was there, please?

Did you copy-paste designer from one screen to another ? Because in Screen5 and Screen6, screens were reffering to screen4. I opened archive, aia, and manually edited scm and bky files


Yes, that's exactly it, I was inspired by this link ici because I have screens with many similar blocks, and it was really a big job, for me..., to recreate them...
Did I actually make a mistake doing that?
There may be other easier methods to duplicate screens?
Anyway, thank you very much, you saved me....


But shouldn't there actually be an error message?

Like this:

No as the screens was copied but mistakenly not fully completed from the gide

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Yes, but why isn't that recognized (in the interaction between designer and blocks)?

As the screen name/file was the only thing that was changed but not the contents in them

I don't know, but yes now everything is consistent with the repair (Calculette_2.aia) and it works great
I saw this too (ICI), it seems effective to me, what do you think?

Yes, I understood that, but there seems to be a lack of required interaction between the designer and the blocks at this point.

It's ok but I prefer the original how it's done than from copycats.

How to copy screens by Scott and a video by Hossein

Source App Inventor Links | Pura Vida Apps



Those images are corrupted.

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Merci boban de ces liens très efficaces, je suivrai vos conseils, et merci aussi de m'avoir dépanné, c'est très sympathique.
Bonne journée


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