Single frames, pictures from a recorded camcorder video *.3gpp format

Hello community,

for an angle measurement app, I need single images from a recorded video for calculation.
Is there a way to convert a recorded video into individual frames ?

Many thanks for the help

You cannot do that with native Blocks. I doubt you can do it using App Inventor without an extension (see Taifun’s list of know extensions) and even then it might be impossible.

I expect the way to capture individual screens is to use a Video manipulation program on your computer.

On your computer try ffmpeg:

Hello cnongs

How about a different approach - taking many still images? You then have your raw data without the need to convert it.

Thank you for the answers:

@ ChrisWard
Taking still images is too slow. I tested the camera extension from Taifun but I had a delay of 1100 ms with a Galaxy S7 and I need around 20 fps.

@ TIMAI2 and SteveJG
I will go in this direction, that I upload the video to a server and then analyze it with a software and then I send the result back.

Now I have to do research

  1. How do I upload a video to a server ?

  2. Search a program that extract the frames on the server, maybe with FFMPEG ?

  3. Then I have to program my angle analysis program and send the results back to App Inventor.

Unfortunately I am only familiar with Labview. I think now I need skills in C programming :slight_smile:

Probably the best solution would be to write an extension. To do so requires knowledge of Java. You could however ask one of the extension developers if they would be interested.

Another experiment: There is an Android version of ImageMagick, your App could share the video with ImageMagick and receive the individual frames.

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