Simplifié une liste / simplify a list

bonjour je me suis fait un prompteur pour mes nombreuses tablatures en pdf, stockes dans mon drive, mais a programmer cela prends de la place ( voir photos) et j'ai encore le double a mettre dans cette liste. ma question, existe t-il un moyen pour simplifier ca ? merci.
hello I made a teleprompter for my numerous tablatures in pdf, stored in my drive, but to program it takes up space (see photos) and I still have twice as much to put in this list. My question is, is there a way to simplify this? THANKS

Yes, store the data in a google sheet, then download it as a csv into the app. Work with that csv data as a list of lists.

If your files on google drive are named as you show, you can use a google apps script to build your google sheet (ensure all files are in one directory).

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Yes, but you may want to consider which link you want to create, which will depend on what you are going to do with it...

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