Show student photos from a Google Sheets

How can I display the photos of students whose personal data I am recording in a Google Sheets? Thanks.

Where are the photos, in a google sheet, in google drive, method used ?

I have all the student data in the sheet, such as code, address, email, phone number, etc., and I have a folder with photos of each student...

The photos are stored in a folder on google drive?

If so, you can add the url / file ID to the student data, then use this in your app to display the image.

I see... how do I get the URL or file ID?

I tried this, and it doesn’t display the image in the app.

By entering the URL on a blank Google sheet, the student's image does appear, but in the app, pressing the button doesn't show anything...

Ah, the old trick of using a different type of url now seems to have stopped working (Google advised that it would)

You will need to download the image file to the device if stored on google drive

or host your images on an http server for online access.