Show scroll progress bar

How can I show scroll progress bar? tell me.

Currently I am using this very simple block:

What's wrong with @Hmmm Why isn't he using the above block isn't it working perfectly?
Then you can take a look at this: Bug In Colintree Scroll Handler Extension

Now please don't recommend me vknow extension coz it doesn't returns the 100% value even when the vertical scroll arrangement is fully scrolled.

Don't know where your problem lies, works perfectly OK for me:


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With a slight adjustment, works just fine with @vknow360 's scroll handler as well


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Why are you using variable?

and btw it doesn't works perfectly now also it doesn't set width to 100% when fully scrolled.

You do not say what it was that fixed your issue ?

This resolves that



Thank you so much it means a lot.

Wait this is a trick and doesn't works all the time.
@TIMAI2 Isn't it possible for you to fix colintree extension? Please do it if you can I really need this bug fixed.

In what circumstances does it not work ?

You also did not reveal what your original issue was?

I cannot make a new version of the ColinTree extensio, the source code is not available (plus I probably would not know what to fix anyway :wink: )

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Scroll with more than one finger in colintree extension and that set your app will crash this is my issue I have even attached crash logs.

Also this extension doesn't have this block:

@TIMAI2 Can you share your aia because this doesn't seems to work for me.

Just use YScroll = 0

scrollProgressVK.aia (24.2 KB)

If using an emulator, you may have to click/drag to simulate finger drag, to get the desired effect (mouse hover scrolling may work but not always)

@TIMAI2 Set height to 100% or fill parent you will see the issues.

Yep, you can probably figure out a workaround for this. :slight_smile:

Isn't is possible for you to fix colintree extension? Or make a new one?

Why do you not try?

I don't know java properly. :cry:

Well there is a learning opportunity for you :smiley:

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