December 1, 2024, 12:01pm
How can I make the application keep running in the background, and how can I display a permanent notification as long as the application is running in the background and it appears in the notification curtain
December 1, 2024, 12:14pm
I would like to recommend that you try this excellent extension
Itoo 4.4.0 Sky
:octopus: Github :gift_heart: Donate
[BuildWithLove] [forthebadge]
Efficiently designed virtual background execution environment for App Inventor.
Powered by the ItooX framework .
It allows you to run blocks in background the same way you do normally when the app is active.
:star2: Please go through all the details and documentation listed below before you try to use the extension or seek help from others. Efforts have been made to be precise and simple at the …
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December 8, 2024, 12:14pm
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