Show Firebase Data in Card View

Sir, in the card view i want to show the data from firebase. how to do it?

Get the data from firebase, and use one of the cardview/chat examples

there are so many project bucket in my firebase and bucket contains 4 tags and there corresponding values like the image below. so my question is how retrive a project bucket data to one card and another project bucket data to another card till the no. of project buckets.

Set the project bucket to deep
Get the taglist
Iterate over the taglist for each tag, returning the data under each tag

I tried a lot but it only retrive the project buckets but not the inside items.. Pls help me sir

Show what you tried (your relevant blocks for returning data from firebase), you may be very close

and you are using dataChanged instead of taglist ?

Will not be responding any more as this question is also being asked on Kodular.

Please do not waste community users time.