Shopping list - index too large/ List index smaller than 1

Hello. I've created my own app shoppng list. At this moment i finishmy app, but since few days i cant fix my problem with List index smaller than 1. Anyone knows where I have to look around?

You try to 1) get the first list item, then 2) you try to get its index before 3) trying to delete it from the list...

So if you like to delete the first item in the list, why not using index 1 directly?

Or is it something else you are trying to do?


Perhaps you can:
Check if is list empty if false then remove list item

The above checks to see if there is at least one item in your List to remove. If the List is not empty then it allows you to use the remove list item Block.

Still doesnt work for me. I tryed everything

(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.

list.aia (2.6 MB)
Here is my project in .aia file

This is how to do it:

list (1).aia (2.6 MB)

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Thank you very much. Im very appreciated for you help. Now I know how to fix issue like this.

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