Description: An extension to use SSHv2 with JSch Latest Version: 1.1 Released:2021-02-28T18:30:00Z Last Updated:2024-02-26T18:30:00Z Permissions:android.permission.INTERNET,android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Event raised after getting response from Shell exitStatus | number outputResponse | text errorResponse | text
Event invoked when any error occurs errorMessage | text
Event indicating that connection to FTP server was successful and you are now logged in
Event indicating that you are now logged out and disconnected from server
Event raised when downloading progress changes progress | number
Event raised when uploading progress changes progress | number
Event invoked after getting previous upload result success | boolean response | text
Event invoked after getting previous download result success | boolean response | text
Event invoked after 'ChangeWorkingDirectory' method with result and new working dir success | boolean newWorkingDir | text
Event invoked after getting file list from server fileNames | list
Event invoked after getting dir list from server dirNames | list
Event raised after 'Delete' method with result success | boolean
Executes given command in SSH Shell command | text
Tries to connect and login to the SFTP server using provided username and password host | text username | text password | text port | number strictHostCheck | boolean
Tries to close the connection to the SFTP server
Returns Home path
Returns current working directory
Returns whether connection is open or not
Changes current working dir and raises 'AfterChangeWorkingDirectory' event with result toDir | text
Uploads file on the server from given file path Use absolute file path localFileName | text remoteFileName | text
Downloads file from server to given file path Use absolute file path remoteFileName | text localFileName | text
Tries to get files list dir | text
Tries to get dir list dir | text
Creates a new dir on server remoteDirName | text
Tries to delete given dir/file from the server remotePath | text isFile | boolean
4. Purchase Extension
Extension's Price: $6 or INR 350
I am thankful to @TIMAI2 Sir for beta testing the extension.
Hope it helps!
Does that work with Android 12, where I have the impression that file access on the phone itself is more difficult. I am reading this thread here: Reading Files from Internal Storage
Files stored in ASD are always accessible to your app, but I am not sure about files stored in primary external (Phone Memory) storage.
Shared media files are accessible till Android 11, but probably Google has limited this in Android 12.
Yes, it is.
Only file uploading/downloading feature is bounded to Android version.
As of Android 11 and above versions you don't have access to complete storage. For more information please read this.
Have a problem with reading console, cant get any response back, like i use cd /adm and then ls, and i don't get back anything, i need to use custom comands on server that i m connecting to and i also get back error massage: bash: : comand not found
When if i connect throu putty for example i can normally use that command
Can anyone help?
Got code here, it gets login from first screen then connects with that username and password
When it connects it does change directory (i got bash no command) i thouth that it was becouse it wasn't in proper folder, didnt help
pon.customer_report is custom command to check status of FTTH ONU of a customer in fiber network, it uses php to get data as shown on second screen.
Do you use mit ai companion or compile your program?