Hi everyone! I would like to know, how I can create a quiz (typing the answer into a textbox) with several correct answers.
Question: What is the meaning of the Latin word "et"
Answer: I want the German translation "und" and "auch" to be correct, when typed in.
as you are storing the possible answers to the question in a sublist, i.e. you can check, if the answer from the answer list is a sublist using the is a list block from the list drawer and in case of yes, check each item of the sublist if the answer is correct
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
Thanks for the tip, but I dont really understand how to execute your advice. Where does the "is a list" block belong to, to the check-instruction. And how can I check each item of the sublist then? Do I need to initiate a new sublist in global answer or is it alright that way? Maybe you have a screen for a simple example?
I appreciate your help very much!
in the Button_LD_check event
if is a list select list item ...
then check each item of the sublist if the answer is correct
else use our current logic
in answers list if u have sublist it will check is any of them the user typed
in mobile
if user typed
if u just gave a answer not a sublist then it will check if answer=textbox1.text
Thank you very much!!! I have to set "set TrueorFalse" to true, but now it works. Im really happy!
Then mark it as solution
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