I am trying to setup MIT app inventor using vagrant and following setup instructions from github repo { GitHub - mit-cml/appinventor-sources: MIT App Inventor Public Open Source } I have downloaded vagrant and virtualbox then opening git bash in folder and following this command as given in repo
vagrant init
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
after it terminal shows
"VM must be created before running this command. Run 'vagrant up' first"
again i do vagrantup then it shows following
default: Box 'base' could not be found.
default: Box Provi der: vi rtualbox
default: Box Version: 0
ox provi er...
Attempting to find and install...
: /program Fi 1 es/vagrant/embedded/mi ngw64/1ib/ruby/3.1. O/uri /rfc3986_parser. rb :6
: in •split':
bad URI (is not URI?) : "file:///C:/Users/gaura/Desktop/GSOC/MIT App
inventor folder/base" (URI: : InvalidURIError)......................
why this error is coming and how it can be resolved ?