Hi! I am trying to change all colors the are set to red to a color green. So I tried to create a global variable to make it easier since I have too far many components that are using this color.
It did worked when I changed it to red when the screen initialised, but once I used it during if statements inside the ClockTimer, it does not work anymore
Thank for the reply, what should I do to change it? I thought setting the value of redToGreen to the value of green/red would change its color. Thanks!
Create lists for all the components (one list for each type of component) that you want to change color for, then iterate through each list and use Any Component blocks to change color.
It might be possible with some constraints.
Do all of the components you want to change the color of belong to a single container (such as a HorizontalArrangement or VerticalArrangement)?
Thanks to Kevinkun's amazing CompCreator extension, this works for any container, including the Screen itself (passed through the "in" parameter in the ListComponents block):
Thanks, this worked after putting all my components that are using the color green in a procedure block and then calling that block in the timer event. Made changing color wayyy easier.