Set up Emulator permanently possible?

I am going round in circles with this, much confused by pages referencing each other. What I want to do is set up Emulator permanently so that I do not have run through this every time I start the computer. If there is a way to set up the emulator permanently, I'd really like to know how. Please don't send links. I've tried them and I am still going round in circles. BTW, I have the phone link working fine, permanently, but as I have two screens I'd like to try the emulator too, possibly selecting either at choice. Would some very kind person put together some step by step instructions. BTW, Windows 10.

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well, what about using Genymotion?
on your compouter start Genymotion and after that launch the Android device of your choice... these are just 2 clicks... very simple...
you said, you do not like links... how to setup Genymotion you can do a search in the community for Emulator FAQ to find it yourself (just ignore the link below)

Using Genymotion emulator with App Inventor (updated 2020-04-28)


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.