I tried to set an image using a link that is created in google photos. But with no success.
The album is shared with everyone who has the link.
What i’m doing wrong?
I tried to set an image using a link that is created in google photos. But with no success.
The album is shared with everyone who has the link.
What i’m doing wrong?
See here:
for what you may need to do
Thank you Tim, solved with the extension.
one question if possible, if i have in googlesheet 200 elements, for example, with an url image for each element, it will crash the app or if i resize (like suggested in your answer) it’s possible to set a list with an image?
Not sure what you mean, please explain in more detail....
You can create a list of image urls in your app. Just download the list of urls from your google sheet.
Hello Tim,
Not sure what you mean, please explain in more detail…
sorry, crash the app, I meant the app closes.
You can create a list of image urls in your app. Just download the list of urls from your google sheet.
I will try to resize the images. Now, the app closes when i "open" the list with the url images in the app.
TY for your help.
to find out more about that issue, you can use logcat
Thank you Taifun.
Hello Taifun,
i was reading this
my question is, it’s possible to upload 250 url images, that are set in a googlesheet.
Each image has taking into account what you write 307,200 kb. It’s possible, or it will close always the app ?
just don’t display all the images at the same time…
for example use only one image component and a next/previous button…
display only one image and on button click, load the next or previous image…etc…
TY Taifun, it’s not the ideal for what I need but it is a good alternative.
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