Set background image of a vertical arrangement

Hi, how can I set the image of a vertical arrangement layout with a jpg file that's in the ASD of the device? I cannot upload the file jpg to the appinventor server because it's generated during the app running.


Vertical arrangement Sorry. The background of a vertical arrangement layout.

I tried to use the method set.image and then specifying the Path of the file but it did not work.

It work:

These blocks will work with companion. For compiled app apk, instead of "" you need to enter your app package name.

Your jpg file must be placed in ASD in the files directory.

If you load a file component you can use this procedure to get your ASD path....

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I haven't looked at the file component for a long time :).

With Tim method it would look like this:

blocks - 2023-04-29T214348.046

Thanks a lot. It works now

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