I build an application that sends (short) strings from a Smartphone to an HC-08 Bluetooth LE module.
The part related to searching the BLE devices, connect to them or disconnect from them is OK.
Here are the blocks for this "search and connect" part:
My application is simple, but I do not understand what I have read in other similar topics (like this one for example: How to get serviceUuid and characteristicUuid when I use the bluetoothLE extension?)
After being connected, I want to send a (short) string when a button is clicked (for example, if the ButtonStop is clicked, I have to send "STOP"), and I suppose that I should use the following block:
The problem is that I don't know what I have to specify in the ServiceUUID and CharacteristicUUID (and utf16) fields of this block.
Provided that the application is already connected to the HC08, I expected that it could get this information by itself... (but I understand it does not).
So I have used the "nRF Connect" application to get (after the connection has been established) this information.
There are many and even after knowing them I don't how to specify them in the block: it seems that a few new blocks are probably required to pass this information to the app ??
In order to help you, here is the information I have collected with "nRF Connect":