Server error: could not save one or more files. Please try again later!

I'm having this problem with the program, what could be the problem?

Qarshi_turizm (1).aia (1.8 MB)

From the compile complaint about there being an error in XML, I deduced that the problem was in a blocks section of a screen.

Using 7zip to examine the sizes of the screen components in the uncompressed .aia file, I narrowed it down to 3 possible .bky files in the src subdirectories capable of holding enough bytes to match the columnNumber in the error message.

Examining the blocks sections of those 3 screens, I encountered this loose unreferenced block

in screen hayot.

Using the server, I deleted that block and requested a build.
It built.
(I was lucky.)

Qarshi_turizm1 (1).aia (1.6 MB)

Keeping your app's text in blocks is risky, and a strain on the Blocks Editor.
I recommend learning to load the text from structured (HTML or JSON) files, and to reuse components like ListViews.


Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Can you provide any information on this matter?

Instructions to fix this problem are here

Working one Qarshi_turizm2.aia (1.8 MB)

Regarding how to separate data and code, search this board for Go Scroll Yourself

It's a Web scraping biographical data base.

Also search for Wheres_MIT, a table based network map of the universe.

thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: