I'm having this problem with the program, what could be the problem?
Qarshi_turizm (1).aia (1.8 MB)
From the compile complaint about there being an error in XML, I deduced that the problem was in a blocks section of a screen.
Using 7zip to examine the sizes of the screen components in the uncompressed .aia file, I narrowed it down to 3 possible .bky files in the src subdirectories capable of holding enough bytes to match the columnNumber in the error message.
Examining the blocks sections of those 3 screens, I encountered this loose unreferenced block
Using the code.appinventor.mit.edu server, I deleted that block and requested a build.
It built.
(I was lucky.)
Qarshi_turizm1 (1).aia (1.6 MB)
Keeping your app's text in blocks is risky, and a strain on the Blocks Editor.
I recommend learning to load the text from structured (HTML or JSON) files, and to reuse components like ListViews.
Thank you
Can you provide any information on this matter?
Regarding how to separate data and code, search this board for Go Scroll Yourself
It's a Web scraping biographical data base.
Also search for Wheres_MIT, a table based network map of the universe.