Sequence calculator

Please kindly see the following attached screenshots. In this question, I have found out that A must be End.Text and D must be get global sum. However, I could not figure out what B and C are.

This app is claimed to be able to generate a sequence of consecutive numbers and give the summation of these numbers. Sliders are used to control the start and end of the sequence. And a button is used to actuate the sequence.


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as you can see yourself, it is not shown in the community...



Having analised the sequence, we come up with a rule by which we can find the subsequent elements. Here what rule or what about sequence you are talking about.

Sequence around us

Thank you. I have amended the post.

This app can generate a sequence of consecutive numbers and give the summation of these numbers. Sliders are used to control the start and end of the sequence. And a button is used to actuate the sequence. I have to find out what B and C refers to.

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In my openion B and C are rule defining startements, as I did in one way you can define your own rule at B adn C

Since, in assignment you are just to fill the blanck spaces and there is no example secquence is provided here.

I mean, by manupulating the B and C in while statement. like

Then you will find defferent sequences.

The Correct Code of the given app is

Option A :
End . Text - Start . Text + 1

Option B:
get global sum - get global counter

Option C:
get global counter + 1

Option D:
get global sum