Separate the info through the TextBox

Hello, I wanted to separate the information that I get by an ip of the company where I work to be able to put each information separately in the textboxes instead of keeping everything together as I get on the last textbox.
Olá queria separar a informação que obtenho por um ip da empresa onde trabalho para conseguir meter em separado nas textboxs cada informação invés de ficar tudo junto como obtenho na ultima textbox.
Captura de ecrã 2022-06-30 103523

Move everything in the red rectangle to the Web1.GotText event


also change the procedure name procedure to something more meaningful e.g. dataSplit

What i want is the refreshToken to show in the last textBox.
And last thing i want to the customer to type the Access ID and the Client Secret in the top textBoxes.
And then to show the refreshToken

Do you need to send the AccessID and Client Secret as a part of the url ?

yes i need it

Something like this:

I do not know how your data is returned....

i will try like that.