Sent Gmail With File attachment

Good evening, everyone. I need a bit of help. I want to send an email with an attached file by pressing a button. The app runs on Android 14, if that matters. This is the point I've reached so far.

Use the ResultUri as attachment, see also the example project from here


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Why are you reading the file ?
Remove that empty socket in make a list

can you please help my with the puzle?

What puzzle ?

how i can How can I link the ResultUri with the file?

The resultUri is the link to the file!

When you run the blocks, Gmail should open with the attachment, email address, subject, content completed ?

Similar, but not exactly. All it does is open a file explorer, but since it's Android 14, it doesn't allow me to access the data folder to find the file and attach it.

What is the data folder?
You should be able to pick a file from shared storage, e.g. /Download, /Documents


I might not have provided all the necessary information correctly. Using the MIT App, I create a list every day, which the application saves in the folder Data//File/testfile.csv. I need to send this file via email every day.

You might want to provide a screenshot of your relevant blocks

In this case you already know where you stored the file and do not need the activity starter to pick it


This is the file I want to send.

As previously suggested, you probably want to copy that file to your /Documents folder then pick it from there.

Can I perform this copy within the application? Can it be done automatically?

Use the File component and its Copy method
And instead of picking the file, use the destination path to send it directly

I know I might be tiring you, but I don’t know much. Wouldn’t it be easier if I saved the file in another folder, for example, in the "Documents" folder? What path should I enter?
Enla_2_5.aia (88.2 KB)

Yes you are correct
Set the file scope to Legacy and use /Documents/Entladung_2024app.csv



also let me suggest to move the new line character to the end of the row