Send data from phone to Micro:bit on Bluetooth

Hi all,

I have a micro:bit and I am trying to send and receive messages over bluetooth with my phone.
I managed to send a message from micro:bit to the phone. But the other way around does not work.
Can you help me, here are both my code on micro:bit and app inventor
microbit-Connexion-Wifi.hex (1.3 MB)
BT_ManageToReceiveData.aia (313.7 KB)

Is there a particular reason you added the Microbit_Uart_Simple component and are not using it for managing the message passing? You may want to take a look at our Microbit tutorials to see how this component simplifies the connection versus using the basic methods on the BluetoothLE extension.


I tried to use the microbit_uart_simple but it did not work either !
I followed the tutorial : App Inventor, Micro:bit and UART

I tried the tutorial message me. And again it does not work, I see it is another Bluetooth extention and also another microbit extension.
And I don't think it can work as the button has this code :

I cannot check this right now, but I have the suspicion that you are not using the latest BLE extensions. The latest will help with permissions and also with sending back messages from the micro:bit. Search this forum for it.

Also, make sure in the app you have set the BluetoothDevice property on the Microbit instance. In the original app I loaded it was not set, so the Microbit won't be aware of the Bluetooth connection.