Select list item: List index too large ::

Sometimes when I receive the data from the bluethooth I get the message Select list item: List index too large :: , what can be the problem, here is the part of the code where I receive text from the bluethooth.

Hi @SERGIO_ALDO_LECHUGA Welcome to our community!
what is the datosPaciente result?
and can you show me all your blocks

I am very sure the problem is in the result of DatosPaciente, where one of the indexes was wrongly selected

how to get an image of your blocks

get an image of your blocks (→ right mouse click in Blocks area)

Well this are my blocks but the only blocks used with "datosPaciente" are:

Oh im sorry my mistake, i mean what result do you got from
call ClienteBluethooth1.ReceiveText

And I think you'd better share the project with us so we can find the error quickly

  1. To the "call ClienteBluetooth.ReceiveText" block, attach the math block with the number "-1", instead of "call ClienteBluetooth.ByteAvailibleToReceive".

  2. In the designer, in the ClientBluetooth properties, there is a "DelimiterByte" field, enter the value 10 there.

  3. In your arduino code, send values ​​according to this scheme:
    serial.print (HR);
    serial.print (|);
    serial.print (Spo2);
    serial.print (|);
    serial.print (BR);
    serial.print (|);
    serial.println (RPM);

Note that all commands are serial.print (), the last is serial.println ().

After receiving the data, a 4-element list will be created. Index 1 is HR, index 2 is Spo2, index 3 is BR, index 4 is RPM.

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