Select list item: Attempt to get item number 2 of a list of length 1: for username

please suggest change in block so that this to resolve. even after selecting first username, it goes to nest screen but with error msg of username not matching

Put a Label on Web.GotText and see what you get.


its shows value for first 3 column which i feed in sheet
but still problem persist.

show us the value of these variables (use DO it)

Because your notifier tells it to say that :upside_down_face:

and/or show us an example of what such an "item" looks like.

The same asked Select list item: Attempt to get item number 2 of a list of length 1: for username - #4 by Spicy_Topics in post no#4 :slight_smile:

Same to same.. but user still not responded

No, I want to see it before items are removed/added.

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got it. thanks.
