Select Bluetooth device only once, then connect automatically

Hello dear forum community,
I am absolutely new to the program inventory in the App Inventory. I work with an Arduino and an HC-05 Bluetooth module. The Arduino controls an LED matrix with MX7219 controller. I use the MD-Parola Library for this. This also has an .aia file for appinventor.
If I do not start the compiled app, i.e. the installed .apk on the smartphone, after clicking on ‘conect’ I have to select the HC-05 from a list to establish the connection. I have to make this selection every time the app is started if the connection has been disconnected.
How can I get my app to remember which Bluetooth device it is connected to after a single selection. and will automatically connect to this device in the future without having to select the HC-05 as a device myself from the list each time ?.


Sorry, I do not know how to insert the block diagram from appinventor here. therefore I provide the aia file as a link.

Thank you in advance for your help.
greetings Stefan

Check if TinyDB is empty,

if it is empty, run ListPicker and choose a Bluetooth.
When connected save Mac Bluetooth to TinyDB.

If TinyDB is not empty, it connects to the Mac Bluetooth that it has stored.

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Many thanks for your help.
I’ll try that.
I have not yet programmed in Appinventor, but I think that since I have other programming experience, I will be able to do it, otherwise I simply ask here again.

greetings Stefan