Searching players list: everyone online

hi, i know blocks are not clean

but my problem is when i search someone, it works, but it says he is online even if he is not online

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You are not showing all your block , so I am wondering how you determine one user is online or offline?

i cant show all blocks beacuse i have 8400+ blocks :wink:

and when the user open the app it will store value in majkerdashstatus at tag - his name and value online, when user close app then it will store as offline

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my question is why players that are offline are in online list

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How does your app know if a user just shuts off his phone?

but my question is why players that are offline are in online list and everything else is working great

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Did you remove the offline user from the online list? I did not find it.

im not storing offline users on the online list (i think)

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Sorry I still don't know your logic, how to inform others that one use is on or offline. How you aware other user is on line or off line.

Normally we use CloudDB.DataChanged event, but you did not use it.

MajkerDashStatus is a clouddb for example you are user Kevinkun
tag - Kevinkun
value - OFFLINE

When screen initialize
MajkerDashStatus store value
tag - tinydb get value tag - YOURNAME
value - ONLINE

When user close app
MajkerDashStatus store value
tag - tinydb get value tag - YOURNAME
value - OFFLINE

oh yes i forgot that blocks to add, but still the question is why players that are offline are in online list

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ok, how other users know one user is online or left? keep pulling tag list?

I dont understand the question but I have also second clouddb where im also storing player names but with their scores (I know that's not good and I can do this with 1 clouddb ) but I have these blocks

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You already show us these in previous post.
when did you call the GetTagList function?

on screen initialize

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so you only call this function once. as I already asked, how do you know other user is leaving or online?

Other user just stored their status on server, but you did not listen to this change.

when the user become online or offline and you are in-game this will be not noticed

(I will add this in a second)

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what about use only one tag to store the on line users:

cool idea, but i think im figuring it out why offline people are in online list

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so i added some blocks

and here something is happening
beacuse firts communicates were okay ["roxey ", "name", "Majkeros"] [" Diko_11", and other offline people] but the last communicate was ["roxey ", "name", "Majkeros", offline people] [" Diko_11", and other offline people]
and can you @Kevinkun help me figure out why these blocks append offline list to online? (I think I cant see something)
I can just leave the nameListONLINE to have online and offline bc offline list don't have online players so I can use if is in list nameListOFFLINE then offline else online

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Sorry i did not understand your code. Try to remove the unnecessary code (like how to show list in ListView), and only show the simplest code to others for debug.