Searchable Listview without using filter bar

You want that list picker items to be added into the text boxes?

Sorry I didn't get your point in video. Can you elaborate if possible

When I put value into Textbox(qrcode), in Listview showing match results then, when I select row it must show selected row values on each Textbox. IF textbox(qrcode ) is empty then display all Listview values.

@Spicy_Topics Thank you very much, it working :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :+1:
That's exactly What I wanted.
Once again thank you for your time and effort.

I see you put .afterPicking

this is a little bit confusing me :grin:

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becuase you re trying to select item from global list, that is impossible based on selection.. because both are different.. so what i did is, however , you are going to deal with selection value, so i tried to split the values till it fits in all text box..

if you want just go from reverse the list and you will come to know


Please let me know if there is any easiest way for . AfterPicking. :pray:

yes, the simple way is, (actually you doesnot need of fetch value..) you are getting data one time, and searching within the list, if so why do you call data?

searchhhh(1).aia (22.4 KB)

In procedure stock_list, the stock_qrcode,text is used to filter lv_stock.Elements.

However, it does that blindly, without first checking if it actually has a nonblank QR code in the stock_qrcode.Text field.

Exactly what do you want to happen in that filter situation? Do you want NONE or ALL the global stock_list items in the Elements?

I would imagine you would want ALL the items if there is no qr code yet.

The proper if/then test would be:

if or(is_blank(stock_qrcode.Text),
        contains (item, stock_qrcode.Text))
   add items to list ...

The or block is in the green logical blocks section.

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