Search by month in a list

Good morning to the forum, I apologize for my bad English, I use the translator.
I need to save via a "SAVE" button a record in a list in TinyDB.
The record is composed as follows: example "2024/01/26 Check reminders".
I would like the record to be saved starting from today's date for the next 365 days by pressing the "SAVE" button.
I have tried various solutions without success.
Thanks in advance to the forum for your kind help.

Something like this?


You can then filter/sort the list as you require

Thanks for your interest, but this is what I already have. What I would like is to save the record for each day of the year, example:
2024/01/26 Check reminder
2024/01/27 Check reminder
2024/01/28 Check reminder
and so on.
In practice, the "SAVE" button must ensure that the record is saved with the date of all the days remaining until the end of the year.
I hope I explained myself well and that there may be a solution.

Do you want a list generated for every day of the year


Do you want to generate each day's list item on that day ?

I want that record to be generated for every day of the year

Thank you for your contribution, it works, just what I was looking for, wonderful.

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