Hello guys, I am searching for an HTML5 editor supporting widgets as gauges, switches, buttons, sliders, spinners etc or custom widgets as needed developing AI2 apps to manage embedded devices running web servers. I found a lot of WYSIWYG HTML5 editors (online and offline) but no one with these capabilities. RockeCake and nicepage are just a couple of examples to understand what I am searching.
A tall order, but you might like to take a look at MIT's efforts:
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Yes, it may be a solution if may be integrated to an editor but seems a little bit old and unmantained. I saw a lot of dashboards around the web, could be interesting to know what frameworks and editors they used.
...yes, I agree - aimed at the mono screens for sure. You could perhaps use the code as a foundation with your own graphics? I haven't studied the code.
May be, I am not a JavaScript expert, surely I need to study more about and anyway to implement something simple to reuse or integrate into an WYSIWYG editor.