Scrollbar - From HVArrangement to HVScrollArrangement - Scrolling Toolkit

  • Most functions operate on HorizontalArrangement and VerticalArrangement, wrapping them in ScrollView or HorizontalScrollView to enable scrolling.

Functions and Parameters

  1. EnableHorizontalScrolling
    • Description: Wraps a HorizontalArrangement inside a HorizontalScrollView to enable horizontal scrolling.
    • Parameters:
      • arrangement (HorizontalArrangement): The horizontal arrangement to be wrapped inside the HorizontalScrollView.

  1. EnableVerticalScrolling
    • Description: Wraps a VerticalArrangement inside a ScrollView to enable vertical scrolling.
    • Parameters:
      • arrangement (VerticalArrangement): The vertical arrangement to be wrapped inside the ScrollView.

  1. EnableHorizontalScrollbar
    • Description: Enables the horizontal scrollbar for a HorizontalArrangement.
    • Parameters:
      • arrangement (HorizontalArrangement): The horizontal arrangement for which the scrollbar will be enabled.

  1. DisableHorizontalScrollbar
    • Description: Disables the horizontal scrollbar for a HorizontalArrangement.
    • Parameters:
      • arrangement (HorizontalArrangement): The horizontal arrangement for which the scrollbar will be disabled.

  1. EnableVerticalScrollbar
    • Description: Enables the vertical scrollbar for a VerticalArrangement.
    • Parameters:
      • arrangement (VerticalArrangement): The vertical arrangement for which the scrollbar will be enabled.

  1. DisableVerticalScrollbar
    • Description: Disables the vertical scrollbar for a VerticalArrangement.
    • Parameters:
      • arrangement (VerticalArrangement): The vertical arrangement for which the scrollbar will be disabled.

  1. SetHorizontalSmoothScrolling
    • Description: Sets smooth scrolling for a HorizontalArrangement.
    • Parameters:
      • arrangement (HorizontalArrangement): The horizontal arrangement for which smooth scrolling will be enabled.
      • enabled (boolean): Indicates whether smooth scrolling is enabled or not.

  1. SetVerticalSmoothScrolling
    • Description: Sets smooth scrolling for a VerticalArrangement.
    • Parameters:
      • arrangement (VerticalArrangement): The vertical arrangement for which smooth scrolling will be enabled.
      • enabled (boolean): Indicates whether smooth scrolling is enabled or not.

  1. ScrollToHorizontalPosition
    • Description: Scrolls to a specific position in a HorizontalArrangement.
    • Parameters:
      • arrangement (HorizontalArrangement): The horizontal arrangement to which the scroll will be applied.
      • position (int): The horizontal position to scroll to.

  1. ScrollToVerticalPosition
    • Description: Scrolls to a specific position in a VerticalArrangement.
    • Parameters:
      • arrangement (VerticalArrangement): The vertical arrangement to which the scroll will be applied.
      • position (int): The vertical position to scroll to.

  1. HideHorizontalScrollbar
    • Description: Hides the horizontal scrollbar for a HorizontalArrangement.
    • Parameters:
      • arrangement (HorizontalArrangement): The horizontal arrangement for which the scrollbar will be hidden.

  1. ShowHorizontalScrollbar
    • Description: Shows the horizontal scrollbar for a HorizontalArrangement.
    • Parameters:
      • arrangement (HorizontalArrangement): The horizontal arrangement for which the scrollbar will be shown.

  1. HideVerticalScrollbar
    • Description: Hides the vertical scrollbar for a VerticalArrangement.
    • Parameters:
      • arrangement (VerticalArrangement): The vertical arrangement for which the scrollbar will be hidden.

  1. ShowVerticalScrollbar
    • Description: Shows the vertical scrollbar for a VerticalArrangement.
    • Parameters:
      • arrangement (VerticalArrangement): The vertical arrangement for which the scrollbar will be shown.

  1. ScrollByHorizontalOffset
    • Description: Scrolls the content of a HorizontalArrangement by a specified offset.
    • Parameters:
      • arrangement (HorizontalArrangement): The horizontal arrangement to which the scroll will be applied.
      • offset (int): The horizontal offset to scroll by.

  1. ScrollByVerticalOffset
    • Description: Scrolls the content of a VerticalArrangement by a specified offset.
    • Parameters:
      • arrangement (VerticalArrangement): The vertical arrangement to which the scroll will be applied.
      • offset (int): The vertical offset to scroll by.

Example video:

JoeDevScrollbar.aix (8.9 KB)
