Scrollable screen

if I at the click of a button I have to scroll. how should I do it?

Please give a more detailed explanation of what you are trying to achieve

I would like to do that when I press a button it scrolls the screen (goes down)

for example when I press button 1 the screen scroll

It might be easier to place certain components in an arrangement, then hide the arrangement with the button click, which will bring the items below to the top?

A simple example:
scrolldown.aia (2.6 KB)

Otherwise you may need to try scrolling vertical arrangements and the
ScrollingHandler Extension by Colin Tree

thanks, but that’s not quite what I’m looking for, I want to know if there is a simple command that scrolls down to the button click

There is another method, just do the opposite of this:!starred/mitappinventortest/4lp3335eIW4

maybe you didn’t understand me. I want that at the click of the button the screen is scrolled, the procedure you sent me is complicated. isn’t there an easier one?

if I at the click of a button I have to scroll. how should I do it? I want to know if there is a simple command that scrolls down to the button click

There is a relatively simple way. Set a TextBox at the bottom of the screen, then the button can give that TextBox Focus and the Screen will scroll.

Ensure that you have the Screen set as scrollable and set it’s orientation (Properties).



thank you, but that’s not really what I was looking for

Maybe this ?

tank you for all

I think I can understand what you mean? Do you want to build slot games?

One year later and we never found out what exactly Riccardo had in mind, even though we offered solutions that exactly matched what he said he wanted.

So, if nothing else, this Topic is a lesson to everyone - be precise in your description of what you want to achieve - supplement it with a drawing/diagram so that we fully understand and can give the best advice, without wasting our time on 'red herrings'!

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