Screens and variables

I was wondering, will variables reset across screens? If I am on one screen that set a global variable, then go to a different screen that sets the global variable again, then go back to the first one, will the first global variables reset? Will it keep the global variable from the second screen? If on one screen it sets to 4 and then it always will add one everytime you start the screen, if you change screens and back will it be 5(4+1) or 6((4+1)+1)?

Use TinyDB to store variables/values across screens.

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Thanks so much!

Use virtual screens (arrangements) instead.

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Dear @FoxyOnFire,
both hints (Anke's and Usane's ) are pretty valid and useful.
To help you in implementing Usane's solution you can find annexed a super-simple .aia that I developed one eternity ago... :rofl:

MultipleScreen.aia (849.0 KB)


Oh, god. We are not that old, I think. hahaha. :smile:
One simplification on that example. You only have to handle that 2 arrangements you change at a time, does not have to handle all of them on every change.

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Neither do I (I'm that old :rofl:).
I agree with you: that was a really super-simple example, just to give the idea on how virtual-screens can be used. Obviously many optimizations can be done: for example, by using the "fadeanimation" extension by @gordonlu310 ( :+1:) one can add impressive fading effects when changing between (virtual) screens.


I like Phase by @shreyash. It has more options.

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Yes, You are right.
Great extensions both !
And by using clocks and by arranging the synchronization, you can have smooth fade-out and fade-in also !

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