ScreenRecorder: An extension for screen recording


We have to wait for an answer from the author of the extension...
But meanwhile let me suggest you to rename your components to get easier readable blocks...
For example rename Spinner1_copy_copy_copy to SpinnerProfiles, similar for the other spinner and textboxes...


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ScreenRecorder.aia (66.0 KB)

I used your version 1.4, but there was a flicker when I clicked to start recording

ChangeLog Version 1.5

  • Fixed bugs which were occurring on older devices

com.sunny.ScreenRecorder.aix (22.2 KB)

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Why the extension is not working?
project aia:
[mod edit - link to extension removed, only the developer can post direct links to their extension]

blocks (8)

Are you still recording now ? Your blocks do not show you stopping the recording ?

It would really help if you can tell more precisely what is not working.

Have you granted all required permissions?
Neither have you set properties.
The extension doesn't work out of the box. Some manual configuration is needed and seems you have not done that.

Wait, there is a microphone permission? i never noticed .d

i have used the extension and it is working, but once in a while i keep getting a Runtime Error.

Attempt to write to field 'int com.sunny.ScreenRecorder.ScreenRec.audioEncodingBitRate' on a null object reference.

There were some method deprecations by Google in Android 11 so extension does not behave correctly when UseDefaultProfile is set to true.
It should work fine if you set all other properties manually.

I am rewriting most part of extension from scratch.



I want to build a screen recording app that is only recording a video shown in a web viewer. The idea is to acces an ip camera and record it in the app. Is this possible with this extension, or do I need to look somewhere else? I am looking on web already for several days but didn't find a solution yet. The IP camera want to use is created by using the IP webcam app.

Thanks for your time!

You need to look somewhere else.

Beta Testers needed :grey_exclamation:

:warning: ChangeLog Version 2

New Blocks:


  • GetSupportedProfiles now returns dictionary instead of list
  • Screen Recording notification can be customised now
  • Service keeps running even when app is closed.
    On next app launch, you'll be able to get recording status.
  • Clicking on recording notification will (i) open app if not running (ii) bring app to front if already running
    It'll prevent multiple instances to be present at a time

Extension has been completely re-written so there are a lot of internal behavioral changes to improve user experience and also to omit possible Runtime Errors

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