Screen1.OtherScreenClosed event executed after Screen1.Initialize

I do not understand why the event OtherScreenClosed is fired after Initialize, in my opinion is wrong and should be fired before. The calling screen is in memory, it is not deleted and its status would be known to the system, it should be non needed to initialize it until the programmer wants to do it explicitally.

If you are testing your project in a companion, this block may not work properly. Test in the compiled APK.

OK, right, using the APK the global variables are persistent between screen changes and Screen1.Initialize is executed once and not every time another screen is closed, only Screen1.OtherScreenClosed is executed.
Using companion the situation is very different, the global variables are not persistent between screen changes and Screen1.Initialize is executed always and before Screen1.OtherScreenClosed. To test the behaviour I modify a little bit the app used to test simplesqlite.
TestLoadMiniDBW.aia (87.9 KB)