Hello! I am building an application - scavenger hunt for a museum. It contains various quests. Some of them use personal image classifier and others qr code scanner. So, when i run the first 2 quests which require scanner it works perfectly. Then two image classification quests follow and after that another scanner quest. And here comes the problem. When i call the third qr scanner do scan, it shows black screen with message "Scanner: Camera framework bug". After a long time of tries I am almost sure that it has to do with personal image classifier. But still not sure. Anyone with similar problem? Thank you in advance.
post your relevant blocks here. or make a small demo aia to replicate your problem.
kotsanas_copy (2).aia (6.9 MB)

I have uploaded the aia where i personally believe is the problem. I have also uploaded 2 pictures in order to run the game.
I have come to a conclusion that the bug has to do with Samsung. I can't fix it though. Now i work on a tablet (xiaomi) and i have again a problem. Now it's the PIC that doesn't work properly. It does not load the image in webviewer.
Why? A possible issue is the size of your images and device memory.
Your aia loaded OK to my Samsung A13. When loaded, I don't understand how I could test.
to test it when load press button "φωτογράφισε το" and take photo of the picture with the door i have uploaded. when you do this correctly then in the next page press the button "σκαναρε" and scan the picture with the qr code. if it works normally it will let you scan it otherwise it will show the message "scanner: camera framework bug" which shows to me.
I concluded that it has to do with samsung because a friend of mine checked it also on her mother's sumsung and had same problem.
Thank you for the directions. "scanner: camera framework bug" does NOT appear.
I got three 'matches'; one about 30% next about45% then finally 75% . Then the app went to a screen with a soldier with a sword.
The 'score' was stored in a TinyDB. Subsequently, when I start the app it goes immediately to the image of the soldier with a sword.
Is that how it is supposed to work? This on an Android 13 Samsung A13.
tried again. It seems that the stored data make the app start differently.
Oh sorry forgot to mention the page with the soldier. I finally found a way to fix both of the problems by changing the code. i added "camera" block and then changed some blocks
In that way both of the problems were solved. 1. The app runs normally in Samsung devices. 2. Scanner works fine. 3. Personal image classifier runs also.
Thank you for your time.
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