Scalability Issue? Home page freezes and crashes my browser

When I try to login with my Gmail, the homepage now freezes and crashes my browser. It seems like there is some kind of scaling issue because I’ve imported a ton of projects over the past year (I’ve judged / evaluated a lot of AppInventor projects for contest purposes), and the UI keeps freezing.

However, when I login with another Gmail account that has had no projects, the UI loads just fine.

Using Chrome 83.0.4103.61 on Mac

Try logging in with this url:

Partially worked. The query string got removed after it redirected from the Gmail auth. However, if I’m still logged in and visit the link, the page is functional.

You got logged in and presented with the AI2 site page, with a list of projects ?

You should see "" in the url address bar ?

Try opening a project other than the one at the top.

“You got logged in and presented with the AI2 site page, with a list of projects ?” - Yes

“You should see "" in the url address bar ?” - I do not.

“Try opening a project other than the one at the top.” - Unfortunately moot. The whole page is frozen.

Try pasting that url again....

Yes, if I paste it again, it works.

That’s what I meant by “partially works” - it should redirect to the original URL without needing me to under it twice, since the first time (when it freezes) is pretty debilitating to my browser.

OK, so on the second run, can you open a project (not the top one) ? everything work OK?

Yes, that’s correct

From the Projects list, can you download an aia of the top project to you computer for safekeeping, then remove it from the projects list to Trash.

Once this is done, try reloading as normal. Does this work ?

@gyoung We will investigate the issue with the login server dropping the autoload information. If possible, could we also access your account to run some performance diagnostics. It will help us better understand what might be causing the slowdown.

Sure, that is okay by me

We have a fix for this issue which is currently in review and should be out in a release in the not so distant future.
