hello, i’m really new to app inventor but until now i was very pleased by his smart programming approach.
Simple stuff is made simple, but (quite normal), more complex stuff became hard to obtain
By the way, this is the problem:
I have to make an app to sign a form, and i use a canvas (2 canvas for 2 signs) to save signs on the smartphone storage, in this way:
and i can draw the signs on the screen, i can clear the canvases and save the pictures, when the screen initialize, noting appears on them.
Someone could explain android filesystem architecture? Have i to use the “file://” in front of the path or not? how can i say the app to use only his own folder for internal storage?
you have to use the correct path, this can be a full path or a relative path
the full path is file:///mnt/sdcard/AppInventor/yourFilename.jpg
the relative path is /AppInventor/yourFilename.jpg
thanks Taifun, but the path is relative to what? application folder? how is organized the android filesystem?
by the way, i solved (partially) using this path: /storage/emulated/0/firmaresponsabile.jpg in every case i have to point to the image file but “firmaresponsabile.jpg” only in the canvas save call.
relative to the root of your internal sdcard
file:///storage/emulated/0 is the same as file:///mnt/sdcard (but this is more generic) and is the root of the internal (emulated) sdcard