Save project as

I have project saved in MIT.
When using Project/Save project as.... nothing is recorded.

How to use this opportunity?

You use Project > Save project as when you want a copy of your project, but in a different name. You are given the opportunity to rename it, and then App Inventor will duplicate your project with your renamed input.

I know this but it doesn't work. I give it another name but nothing happens.

Is your project big (does it have a lot of blocks or files in media or screens)? You may need to wait for a while.

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Yes. My project is VERY big. I have a lot of blocks and picture.
How long do you have to wait - day, week, month?

That could take up some time for the server to duplicate the project, about minutes?

Download aia and check it's size

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Size aia file:
1.14 MB (1,203,222 bytes)

That should be OK, so far as I know. Change the AIA file name to <your project name>.aia, and then import it into App Inventor.

If you wish post your aia here so someone can look at it and see if something is preventing copy procedure

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Now I have clone of my project.


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