Save Photos From Phone App to PC via WiFi

Hello and thank you for taking a look at the following question.

I would like to create a phone app that will provide the ability to take a photo then immediately save that photo to a folder on a PC. I would like to accomplish this via WiFi. Would also be nice to be able to select which folder (on the PC) I would like the photos to be stored in.

The goal is to use WiFi and not use a USB cable.
The phone would be no farther than 50 feet from the PC.

Is this possible?

Thank you for your assistance.

I don't think it's possible to initiate a direct file transfer with and AI2 app to a PC.
However, I suggest you explore web API like the Google Drive API. You may consider storing the photo to Google drive while having the computer sync the drive, that way u can indirectly transfer your file to your PC.
That said, authentication protocol is another huge obstacle.

Anyway, here's the link to Google Drive API.

Here's the link the authentication web API

Thank you! I will take a look at that.

Install an FTP server, for example Filezilla Server, on the PC and upload the files using an FTP client in the app.

I have made an app that can do the exact thing you are trying to do using MQTT protocol. You can select image in the app, and then select the category (The category will be the folder in which file will be saved) and then when you press send, it will send the image.

Here is the tutoral: Send photo From phone to PC using MQTT protocol | MIT app inventor


  • Can work in local network or you can send image from anywhere around the world, if you are using cloud MQTT protocol
  • On the PC, python script take care of receiving the image and putting it in the folder.