Please share your solution so that others may learn...
If two devices or clients from two different countries install this app from play store, will they retrieve the same data or they will have two different servers?
See above
Does cloudb pass the same data with only installing the identical apk?
My question is by installing the live app from Playstore, will there be same data fetched by two different devices,
As my users will be saving sensetive financial data, but if the Phone is been changed or damaged then my users shall be able to fetch the data again.
Why don't you create a test app, and test it, before submitting an app for sensitive data usage. ( I thought this was a flower database sharing app?)
If users will be submitting sensitive data cloudDB is NOT the place to store this.
The flower app was a test app.
Then which storage shall I use for saving sensative data app?
But my users shall be able retrieve the data even if the phone is changed or lost.
If I test the same identical apk, then it will retrieve the same data
I would suggest you use Firebase realtime database with secure rules and Firebase Authentication for secure use and sensitive data.
There are also some extensions that work with firebase authentication.
This is vey useful,
Thank you.
My app is crashing when Firebase is integrated, is there any basic solution for this?
Please show your relevant blocks
These should be your blocks if using the Firebase component:
However, this will not resolve your security issues, as the data is not really secured in anyway be authentication.
The blocks are similar but the question is why is my app getting crashed?
Are you using your own firebase project?
If so, is it setup on the us-central server?
I am using my fierbase project,
and it is not setup on us-central server, its on asia-southeast1
Needs to be a firebase project on the us-central server to work with the firebase component on AI2.
Otherwise use the web component to access your project.
If I use my own firebase project, then will my clients sensitive data be safe?
If you use secure rules and firebase authentication, it will be safer than using the MIT cloudDB/Firebase provisions.
But nothing is unhackable...
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