RuntimeError: Operation add items to list cannot accept the arguments

I am trying to build an app which shows reminders based on your current location. While adding tasks to the global task list I am facing the following error:

Please help me debug the issue.

For reference I am attaching the design and the block screenshots here:

Be sure that your task lists in TinyDB are lists, and never just a piece of text.

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Since there's only one "add item to list block," the error is definitely being thrown by that one. You could try checking the values of the attributes (inputs) you're using.

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Thank you so much. It is working now. I had assumed tinydb to work like sql and store multiple tasks as separate entries with common tag.

I am encountering another problem. The map zooms out automatically after sometime though I am not using any timer in my code. Is this because I'm using AI companion to test? or is it some other issue? Attaching screenshots and screen recording for reference.
The Problem:

Design Screen:

Code Block Screen:

(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.

This should be tested on Android, to rule out iOS.

Attaching the .aia file
Test.aia (155.8 KB)

I tested the app on my Moto G Android phone, and it got my location and stored tasks, with no zooming in and out.

I think you have an iOS map issue.

Oh ok thats great! Thank you so much for all the help.