My app was working fine, but something broke ¿may be after relase nb188?
Now, when trying to record a voice message I got this error:,Start,802,Cannot start recording: \/storage\/emulated\/0\/Android\/data\/appinventor.ai_martin_herraizh.DedoCarApp\/files\/My Documents\/Recordings\/app_inventor_1638040020746.3gp: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
DefaultFileScope property of Screen1 is set to App
Tested at devices with Android 4.4.4 and 8.0.0
Try setting the path and filename of the recording yourself (using the block provided), still into the ASD, but ensure path has no spaces (this should be fixed, it works in companion...)
The regular path (and file name) for voice recording used to be something like:
storage/emulated/0/My Documents/Recordings/app_inventor_1638040020746.3gp
But now (I guess after nb188), the compiled app includes the ASD in the path, and tries to save it to (or tries to find it in):
storage/emulated/0/Android/data/appinventor.ai_martin_herraizh.DedoCarApp/files/My Documents/Recordings/app_inventor_1638040020746.3gp
But it can't, and gives you the mentioned error.
I deleted the folder (as you suggested).
Then I discovered that on execution companion creates it again.
But (right now) it does'nt write the voice recording files there. Instead it saves them to (sorry it's in German):
Lokaler Speicher/Gerätespeicher/Android/data/appinventor.ai_martin_herraizh.SoundRec/files.
That is: InternalDeviceStorage(Speicher/Gerätespeicher/)+ApplicationSpecificDirectory(Android/data/appinventor.ai_martin_herraizh.SoundRec/files)+FileName.ext)
I believe that's the new behaviour for the compiled app.
But is this also the way companion will behave from now on? (may be required for Android >10)