Runtime Error when I try to save data

hello so I used thie tutorial of mood tracker and the only issue is I want to save amount of times I press the emoji even without without being on the screen. For the happy button, it works, but with the other emojis when I press them it just shows: Runtime Error

The operation + cannot accept the arguments: , [""], [1]
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.


What is it that I am doing wrong?

Why not share a link to the tutorial ?

Why not share your relevant blocks/screens/errors ?

I'm sorry.... the files didn't go through I guess one moment.

The angry button isn't working.

? How do you know it is not working if you save an empty text in both screen initialise and button6 ?

What do you mean?? I understand that it is not working... I followed How to save text in a label which is set by textbox and just have fixed it so it will save the label text, but it still has the same error message...

You just fixed it ? What ?

As previously requested, it would be really helpful if you showed your relevant blocks AND your error...

I fixed the part from where it was empty, to label text. Those are my blocks I showed before that includes the button that would show the runtime error I sent in the first message. Does that make more sense? I was just saying that even with me changing that block, the counting of the amount of times I pressed the buttons still does not go through correctly.

Here is my code that has been changed

So now, one button for example the angry button would work, but not the others. For the others it shows a runtime error of : The operation + cannot accept the arguments: , [""], [1] .

I tryed having different TinyDB1's but it still results in the same thing. Should I code this another way or take out some parts?


If your tinydb "valueIfNotThere" has to be empty then test for this in your button click and handle accordingly


Thank you both, SO MUCH!!!!! THis a setback in my app but now I can continue with my MESA challenge and finish before the due date :slight_smile:

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