Run Time Error - Invoke Issue

I'm trying to test the translator app on my phone from my laptop, but every time I press to translate, the message below appears. What do I do?

Runtime Error
invoke: unable to invoke method RequestTranslation in object of type boolean. Irritants: ()
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

This is the coding of it:

I suspect the following.

  • If you are using the Android companion app, it is not up to date. Go to Google Play and update it.

  • the iOS companion currently does not have the Translator feature? (not sure)

ok thank you so much. are there any other features that iOS does not have?

You can always look on this website what works and what not.

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thank you peter

Yandex was working, not sure if updated to use the new Translator component ?

Ok thanks.

but, at's footer it says

Last updated: 2021-08-23 (version 2.60.1 build 3 id f16c79ab)